Today in our beloved blog of physics. we have a post that will help you get better grades. whatever your level of education. whatever your study area. with the five steps that we explain below you will be helpful to your studies.

Step 1) Do not be lazy !. as our first step, laziness will be avoided at all costs, and if here in Instructor Physics Solutions we know that laziness is inversely proportional to the desire to study. But it is also inversely proportional to good grades.
Every great journey begins with the first step, if you have much, much to study the first thing is to always have good attitude, and not only positive.

Your attitude should be scorching towards studies should become a murderer of laziness.
Step 2) You must be organized. That makes a great countries and companies is planning. We're not saying you're sorcerer and take prevention of absolutely everything. We tell you that use marques times where you plan to do things you like and things you should do.
An example of what we are saying is: from 1pm to 3pm I'll stay on facebook. From 3pm to 7pm I will study physics. From 7pm to 10pm I'll be with my friends.

Similar to this schedule will greatly help you organize your priorities.

One day before the test becomes the priority is pass the exam, in that case you may sacrifice an hour every activity you do in the day and add to the hours of study.
Step 3) The classes are important? This step is as a question as it depends on you and only you.

There are many people who are self taught, that is to say no they need teachers because they have the ability to learn by themselves.

Classes for these people are not very vital because they are self-sufficient and can to understand directly from the book.

If you (like us in Instructor Physics Solutions ) are not a Nordic god who can learn by itself, then we suggest that you attend classes.
This is not only to attend and see the teacher says. It is paying attention, do not waste your time copying every word the teacher says.

Only pays close attention to everything he says and copy only keywords to help you remember things and also copy things that feel you can forget.
Step 4) Question !. This step though look obvious, it is not. Most people don't ask things they do not understand either for fear of ridicule from their peers, or stage fright.

We tell you that the shame is a thing of losers. You will be dauntless and sagacious in class.

In front of you is present your teacher this guy who spent at least 20 years studying for a higher degree. It is a sea of knowledge ready to drain them entirely to you.
The teacher is there to teach you. He will be happy to explain and help you to see that you feel a real interest in learning.
Step 5) Make all do you like !. A career is not for everyone. Luckily college is a free house. Where you can learn a lot in a short time.

If you study a profession that is not your passion you will should be sincerely with you and change course.

This step is extremely difficult for most people. See the bottom of our hearts and understand that we want to be chef instead of engineers in some cases is very hard.
Do not let outside opinions clouding your decisions. Whether your parents or friends who tell you that you will make a mistake, recalls that at the end of all accounts you are who will live the life you choose and therefore be happy depends of you and only depends on you.
to finish I want to say two things that have marked my life:
Life is about being happy and not a millionaire!
The university is the home that overcomes the shadows (motto of the Central University of Venezuela).
This was all in this post... if you like our work share it with your friends! see you later! and remember ... physics it's easy! very easy... ;)