Today we have a different entry in our blog, instead of solving a physics problem, we're going to present something that is a beautiful curiosity, the post should be called "The true color of things" but that title is so boring.

It's is a simple banana as anyone can see it.

All right! and we gave a brief introduction of the topic that we will discuss today. Now let's answer the question that we set plain and simple what color is a banana?

Bananas like all other things in the universe are the color of the wavelength that are able to reflect.

What the heck wanted to say this ?. Let's explain it in parts, first of all what does mean wavelength? the wavelength is the distance from crest to crest or valley and valley of a particular wave.

Our friend "light" has a peculiar shape is the sine wave but not only that .. light has a huge variety of different wavelengths all were grouped by humanity in something we call "electromagnetic spectrum".
In this image we can see as white light passes through a prism splits into thousands of different colors. That's how white light is composed really.

What is the real color of a banana?

When we ask the question what color is a banana ? our immediate response is yellow! but as we have said "things are the color of the wavelength that are able to reflect".

The correct answer is: a banana is of all colors in the world. less yellow !.

Why is this the real answer?

In the electromagnetic spectrum there is a particular range which we see with our beautiful eyes, this range is called the "visible spectrum" is between 400 and 700 nanometers, are include all the colors that we ever saw, we dream or imagine.
This is the famous electromagnetic spectrum. In future post we will talk exclusively about him, for now you can advance that from the radio, television and your beloved WiFi everything has to do with the electromagnetic spectrum.

When light falls on a banana all those colors are absorbed by the banana, and only it's reflected the characteristic yellow color that has the fruit.

This applies to all things in the universe. To make this even clearer, when an object our eyes perceive color "White" it is because the object reflects all wavelengths.

When we perceive the color of an object is "Black" it is because the object absorbs all wavelengths, in other words, it does not have any color.

If you want to know more about electromagnetic radiation, the colors, properties of matter and many other things do not forget to follow us!

This was all in this post... if you like our work share it with your friends! see you later! and remember ... physics it's easy! very easy... ;)