Studying science is one of the most eccentric activities that can be done today. Few are willing to become scientists. People capable of expanding the frontiers of knowledge. That is the definition of scientist that we handle.

The hardest thing is always to start. As the coefficient of static friction is higher in comparison with the coefficient of kinetic friction. Beginning to study science is the most difficult part to tackle.

physics fundamental equations

How to solve physics problems?

Abstract reasoning is the main characteristic that a person who hopes to become a scientist must possess. This is not indispensable for the beginning. You can develop it over time. So do not worry if you feel that you do not understand some things when you find yourself studying.

In our website we have been given the task of gathering an enormous compendium of problems in physics and other areas of science and engineering solved step by step. Not only do we solve each step of the problem in detail. We will help you to think, that is to say, we teach to face the problems of physics from a different perspective.

We do not focus our teachings on throwing equations to the student and forcing them to memorize them. Our specialty is phenomenology. Let us always remember that science is conceived as empirical knowledge that can be contrasted and replicated.

What is empirical knowledge and for what does it serve?

Empirical knowledge is that which comes from experiences. For some reason the length and breadth of our planet. Many science teachers have forgotten that this is the fundamental basis of scientific knowledge.

Saturating a student with a rain of equations only causes frustration in him. The important thing in any case is that the student understands the phenomenon that is under observation.

Teaching is more than just dictating one's own knowledge to a particular group of people. To teach you need to be willing to learn.

Our passion is to fascinate students by showing how physical phenomena occur and how to deal with them in the first instance without equations. This is the style we have implemented for more than 25 years of experience teaching physics.

Study guides with problems solved step by step

If you are a science teacher we invite you to explain the problems of physics that we have totally solved with the style and grace that we apply. If on the contrary, you are a student, and have come to our website, you are very lucky. Here you can find all the material you need to get help with your homework.

what does it take to be a physicist?

Studying physics is an uncontrollable passion. We have always conceived of physics as a capricious lover. It is incomprehensible in its entirety, day after day we find new qualities in it. Just when you think you've mastered all possible physics, you find new variables that completely transform the knowledge that you had dominated and in extreme cases can even completely obsolete.

You should always aspire to the highest. As arrogant as it may seem you must have faith in yourself and in what you do. Be a pro on whatever level. Here are a few examples:

- Never erase your equations or theoretical work. You may find yourself at that moment collapsed and feel that the work you did is wrong, but the truth is that you have made a genius that because of fatigue, sleep and exhaustion you are not understanding, if you erase the work you will lose the effort made and You may need it later and do not remember what you did.

- Believe in you above all things, we always have little demonic spirits inside our head biting the veins of our brain and making us believe that we are not enough to face the challenges that a scientific race supposes. But the truth is that the will is an uncontrollable force that can overcome any adversity. You must always keep the spirit high and break the barriers always, even if you feel that you can not.

How is applied science in the technological world?

Physics will always be years ahead of the technological level that we possess, it is enough only to realize that Newton was the one who derived the equations of motion that were used for the space rockets that took us to the moon.

The laws of thermodynamics was developed many years before the first internal combustion engine existed, all of which was developed in an age where no calculators existed. Today we have the Internet, although it was created for pornography, something well established in the phrase "internet is to porn" allows us to communicate knowledge at a dizzying speed, to be precise at the light speed.

Try to imagine the advances that are being developed today in science laboratories, which will be applied within a few decades to the technological field, thinking of the examples I gave you in the previous paragraph. It is wonderful what we are experiencing and simply amazing what is to come.

Where buy physics book?

In addition to the compendium of physics problems that we have resolved step by step for you, we also have a wide and varied range of physics books that may interest you. We have recreational physics that allows you to be distracted educationally, and the best science books you can imagine or need.